BRICS, a honeypot for emerging countries
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BRICS, a honeypot for emerging countries

In 2001, Jim O’Neill1 identified four emerging countries likely to become the world’s leading economies by 2050. Brazil, Russia, India and China had adopted a market economy and embarked on reforms (in the field of education, foreign direct investment and business start-ups) to integrate into the global economy. In 2006, the four nations decided to…

April 2024 : Complex diplomatic agenda for Turkey

April 2024 : Complex diplomatic agenda for Turkey

Against a difficult economic backdrop, Turkey’s April agenda is a busy one. Despite this, President Erdoğan is seeking to position himself as a key diplomatic leader in the region. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan continues his dangerous balancing act. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statements on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s imminent visit to Turkey are a reminder of…



As former country of the Soviet satellites the Republic of Azerbaijan has inherited of its ways. Indeed, the country is suspected of torturing and eliminating its political opponents. Supported by Turkey, Azerbaijan continues to annihilate what remains of Armenia. After Nagorno-Karabakh, it is likely that the conflict with Armenia will spread to Nakhichevan. Despite this,…

International relations surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

International relations surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

The self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh is a country not recognised by the international community. It has been in conflict with Azerbaijan since the end of the Soviet era. Relations between the players in this conflict are complex and sometimes inconsistent. Turkey, Russia and Iran contribute to the complexity of the situation: Turkey supports Azerbaijan, which…


The state of democracy

Early January, thousands of Israelis took to the street to protest plans by its new far-right government. Observers fear the plan will lower the country’s democratic system of checks and balances and deteriorate the democratic institutions.Global opinion surveys show that the public faith in the value of democracy has been declining. Yet authoritarian countries have…

The contradictions of Turkish international relations

The contradictions of Turkish international relations

On the international scene, Turkey is a unique country because of its political paradoxes. It is a member of NATO, yet it buys arms from Russia. It is the only country in the world able to apply for membership of the European Union (EU) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at the same time, the…

Private military company: Personal interests for the benefit of states

Private military company: Personal interests for the benefit of states

“Mercenaries”: the word is in everyone’s mouth. They are in Ukraine, in Africa and across the Middle East. But few really know what this actually means. An attempt to establish a legal framework Private security companies / private military companies, are considered as private actors intervening for the benefit of other private companies, NGOs, but…