BRICS, a honeypot for emerging countries
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BRICS, a honeypot for emerging countries

In 2001, Jim O’Neill1 identified four emerging countries likely to become the world’s leading economies by 2050. Brazil, Russia, India and China had adopted a market economy and embarked on reforms (in the field of education, foreign direct investment and business start-ups) to integrate into the global economy. In 2006, the four nations decided to…

April 2024 : Complex diplomatic agenda for Turkey

April 2024 : Complex diplomatic agenda for Turkey

Against a difficult economic backdrop, Turkey’s April agenda is a busy one. Despite this, President Erdoğan is seeking to position himself as a key diplomatic leader in the region. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan continues his dangerous balancing act. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statements on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s imminent visit to Turkey are a reminder of…

Turkish Dizi: a success story for Türkiye and its international position

Turkish Dizi: a success story for Türkiye and its international position

Türkiye : a major exporter of TV series According to a survey by Eurodata, Türkiye is the world’s second-best exporter of tv series after the United States and before South Korea. Its series or « Dizi » are aired in at least 150 countries, first in Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, then extensively in Latin…

Türkiye: the stowaway in the economic sanctions against Russia

Türkiye: the stowaway in the economic sanctions against Russia

Türkiye: the stowaway in the economic sanctions against Russia In a conflict, the first actions taken by belligerents are first and foremost economic in nature. The aim is to weaken the opponent before a potential military engagement or better, to avoid it. The efficiency of these complex actions depends on the coherence of the countries…

Eurovision: Time for Türkiye to be back on the game?

Eurovision: Time for Türkiye to be back on the game?

Last week on Saturday night, took place the Eurovision song contest. Loreen from Sweden has won for the second time. It was also the 10th year since TRT announced Türkiye would no longer participate. And yet, Turkish public used to love this contest and its flamboyant show. So why did Türkiye left the contest, and…

Earthquake in Turkey: Between fatality and real estate speculation.

Earthquake in Turkey: Between fatality and real estate speculation.

Everyone remembers the earthquake in August 1999, near Istanbul, which caused 17000 deaths. A decade later, the earth shook again further south, killing over 40,000 people in Turkey and Syria. The seismic risk in the region is very high because the boundaries of the Anatolian plate are approximately the same as Turkey’s. The fault in…


The state of democracy

Early January, thousands of Israelis took to the street to protest plans by its new far-right government. Observers fear the plan will lower the country’s democratic system of checks and balances and deteriorate the democratic institutions.Global opinion surveys show that the public faith in the value of democracy has been declining. Yet authoritarian countries have…