Ankara’s rapprochement towards Damascus for the interests of one man

Ankara’s rapprochement towards Damascus for the interests of one man

The search for normalization of relations between Ankara and Damascus is a paradoxical situation in the current context. This state of affairs shows Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s contempt for his allies and the refugee population in his country. The president is once again playing the sorcerer’s apprentice to consolidate his leadership position on the eve of…



The proclamation of the Turkish Republic on 29 October 1923 was the founding act of modern Turkey, breaking with the Ottoman era. In addition to Mustapha Kemal’s desire to westernise his country by establishing a republican and democratic regime, secularism was the fundamental principle of this change in society, which had previously been Islamic. The…

The contradictions of Turkish international relations

The contradictions of Turkish international relations

On the international scene, Turkey is a unique country because of its political paradoxes. It is a member of NATO, yet it buys arms from Russia. It is the only country in the world able to apply for membership of the European Union (EU) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at the same time, the…

Private military company: Personal interests for the benefit of states

Private military company: Personal interests for the benefit of states

“Mercenaries”: the word is in everyone’s mouth. They are in Ukraine, in Africa and across the Middle East. But few really know what this actually means. An attempt to establish a legal framework Private security companies / private military companies, are considered as private actors intervening for the benefit of other private companies, NGOs, but…